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Searles® Genuine

Copper Fungicide 200g Searles PRO Black Spot Brown Rot Rust Fruit Veg Garden

Copper Fungicide 200g Searles PRO Black Spot Brown Rot Rust Fruit Veg Garden

Regular price $29.90
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Genuine Searles® Fungicide Copper Oxychloride 200g

Searles Copper Oxychloride is an effective broad-spectrum protectant fungicide with a low risk of resistance development, due to the copper mechanisms of multiple actions.
Copper is actively accumulated in the fungal spores, inhibiting germination, even at very low concentrations. 
This fungicide is particularly effective against blight, scab, freckle, and bacterial speck to name a few. 
Always be sure to read the full label and follow all directions.
Searles copper oxychloride fungicide is for the control of fungal and bacterial diseases on fruit, vegetables, and ornamentals in the home garden.
200g makes up to 100 litres of fungicide spray.
Suitable for most fruit, vegetables, and ornamental flowers and shrubs.
Controls a broad range of 20 common fungal & bacterial diseases including bacterial canker, leaf curl, sooty blotch, melanose, and early and late blight.

Item Specifications:
Brand: Searles®
Active Constituent: 500g/kg Copper

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