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YardGuard® Genuine

Bug Zapper Vac Ultimate® Killer Insect Mozzies Mosquitoes Moths Midges Sand Fly

Bug Zapper Vac Ultimate® Killer Insect Mozzies Mosquitoes Moths Midges Sand Fly

Regular price $119.00
Regular price $159.00 Sale price $119.00
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GST included. Free delivery included.

Premium Quality Ultimate Bug and Insect Killer Genuine Stinger®

Amazing new patented technology that really works uses 3 way technology to easily kill flying insects.
Insects are attracted by the light, pushed down by the inbuilt fan and then drowned in the water trap below.
Super effective catches a wide variety of insects unlike tradition zapper style units that only work on some insects.
Perfect for outdoors and indoors, silent and no nasty zapping sounds makes it great for restaurants and commercial business.
Economical, completely reusable by simply emptying the catcher tray and comes with a 6000 hour energy efficient light.
Waterproof and super rugged design, engineered for Australian conditions covers an area of 1/2 an acre.
Sleek and stylish design can be used anywhere including in the kitchen or even in the farm.
Only true 100% effective design for dusk to dawn mosquitoes, sand flies, moths, beetles, midges and even works on flies.
Comes with Australian 240v plug, fully tested and approved by Australian standards AS/NZS60335.1

Item Specification:
Power: 240v
Brand: Stinger®
Approvals: Australian Standards AS/NZS60335.1

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